The Staff Team

The Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership (2016-19) was delivered by a small team of staff employed by the Lake District National Park Authority with funding from our HLF grant.

  • Clare Dyson - Community Engagement Ranger

    Clare connected people with the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19)– recruiting volunteers, running events and activities, sharing the latest Rusland Horizons news, and working with local groups, schools and colleges on specific projects like the oral and mapped history. Clare also worked part time as a gardener. Being a social creature, when not working, Clare was out having adventures on bike, swimming or on foot with family, friends and her dog, Finn.

  • Dougie Watson - Woodlands & Wildlife Ranger

    Dougie looked after the nature side of the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19); working with colleagues, partner organisations, volunteers and apprentices to help people get involved in mapping, monitoring and improving the diverse landscape for wildlife. When not roaming around the Rusland area Dougie was usually found exploring the wider countryside by foot or bike, or baking cakes of all shapes and sizes while hiding from the Cumbrian weather.

  • Sharon Callaghan - Administrator

    Sharon was on the staff team of the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership (2016-19) to care of the administration needs of the scheme. This was anything from processing a grant claim, creating a newsletter, coordinating an event or kitting out the offices! Sharon also works for a number of other local groups and organisations. In her spare time, Sharon enjoy walking on the hills or sitting by the fireside knitting and crocheting. Following the end of the Landscape Partnership, Sharon became of the the Trustee Directors of the Rusland Horizons Trust Ltd. 

  • Ray Millard - Apprentice coordinator

    Ray was the coordinator for the apprentices on the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), supporting them to ensure they gain an excellent package of training and skills development during their time with us. I work with them on the delivery of many of the schemes practical projects giving them the practical skills and knowledge they need. In my spare time I manage a smallholding with my family and enjoy gardening, walking our dogs and have an avid interest in all things related to the countryside.

  • John Dunbavin - Scheme Manager

    John led the staff team and worked closely with the Steering Group to manage the Rusland Horizons Landscape Parnership scheme (2016-10). John talked to our partners, stakeholders and funders to make sure the scheme stayed on track and within budget and made the most of new opportunities to deliver brilliant projects. When John wasn't at work he was a member of Kendal Mountain Rescue Team and spent a lot of time as a member of the Lake District Mountain Rescue Search Dog Association. He had his own search dog called Cuillin.

  • Clare Looker - Administrator

    Clare helped out with the administration duties of the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), mainly concentrating on communications. Since she left school Clare always worked in an office environment, so it was great that in this role Clare learned new skills both in the office and out in the woods.  In her spare time Clare liked to go on mini adventures with her son and spend time socialising with friends.



  • Matthew Boal - Apprentice

    During the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), Matthew was an apprentice. At the time, he said:

    When I was ten years old I joined scouting and ever since then I have been in love with the outdoors. I recently finished my outdoor studies degree so I applied to become an apprentice to get experience in the area I have studied. I think the apprenticeship scheme is a great way to learn new skills, get new qualifications and experience whilst making a contribution to the local area and the national park as a whole. My hobbies include any outdoor sports, listening to music and spending time with my mates.

  • Jonny Robinson - Apprentice

    During the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), Jonny was an apprentice. At the time, he said:

    I am 18 years old from Bassenthwaite in the North lakes. I have always been a very hands on and practical learner so decided that this apprenticeship would be for me. I have an interest in all aspects of countryside management particularly the forestry and woodland management side of things. From this apprenticeship I hope to gain the skills and tickets needed to carry out a field ranger’s job. However, if there are no vacancies at the end of my 18 months I would like to use the experience and skills I have gained to go self employed within the countryside management sector.

  • Richard Rawlinson - Apprentice

    During the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), Richard was an apprentice. At the time, he said:

    I am 16 years old and I live in Marton near Ulverston. From the day I was born I have always had a connection with the outdoors as I grew up on my family farm. This connection is what drove me to apply for an apprenticeship with the Rusland Horizons project as through this apprenticeship I can learn and develop new skills such as walling and coppicing. These are old skills which are starting to die out as new generations are no longer learning these skills, which is one of the reasons I am keen to get some experience. The Rusland Horizons project is a great opportunity for me as I could see the benefit of working in the outdoors doing what I enjoy.

  • Natilee-Joy Alderson - Level 3 Apprentice

    During the Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership scheme (2016-19), Natilee-Joy was an apprentice. At the time, she said:

    I’m one of the Level 3 Apprentices here at Rusland Horizons. I’m originally from Essex, spent a couple of years in Nottinghamshire whilst completing a level 2 in Environmental Conversation before moving to the Lake District for this brilliant opportunity. I’m excited by the work here at Rusland Horizons – it’s a great opportunity to improve my knowledge and experience working in the outdoors as well as working closely with local communities, volunteers and school groups. In my spare time I enjoy socialising, cooking, reading and spending time in nature.

Steering Group

The Rusland Horizons Landscape Partnership’s Steering Group was made up of both corporate partners and individual community members, all on an equal footing.

  • Colin Barr - Local resident

  • Giles Wingate-Saul - Local resident and Chairman of Rusland Valley Community Trust

  • Vanessa Champion - Local resident

  • Adam Crowe - Local resident and environmental consultant

  • Carole Dickinson - Local resident, farmer and campsite owner

  • Danielle Chalmers - Local resident and horse trainer

  • Mike Thwaites - Local resident and builder (master mason)

  • Edward Mills - Woodland manager, chartered forester and conservationist

  • Robert Henson - Local resident and historian

  • Richard Sanderson - Local resident and Chair of the Leven Valley History Society

  • Mark Eccles - Head of Park Management, Lake District National Park Authority (Accountable Body)

  • Teresa Morris - Land Management Lead Adviser, Natural England

  • James Anderson-Bickley - Advisor, Forestry Commission

  • Neville Elstone - Director, Cumbria Woodlands

© Rusland Horizons 2017 - 2025. All rights reserved.
Rusland Horizons was a Landscape Partnership funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund until July 2019. It is now being delivered by The Rusland Horizons Trust Limited. Company No. 2133450; Charity No. 519410; Registered Office: Pipistrel House, Finsthwaite Lane, Backbarrow, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 8QD.
